Module with dataset transformations.
API details#
Base class to create irreversible transforms. |
Base class to create reversible transforms. |
Class to apply irreversible transform in per segment manner. |
Class to apply reversible transform in per segment manner. |
Base class to create one segment transforms to apply to data. |
Decomposition transforms and their utilities:
Transform that makes a detrending of change-point intervals. |
Transform that makes label encoding of change-point intervals. |
Transform that makes a detrending of change-point intervals. |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses linear regression with polynomial features to make a detrending. |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses Theil–Sen regression with polynomial features to make a detrending. |
Transform that adds trend as a feature. |
Transform that uses Fourier transformation to estimate series decomposition. |
Transform that uses ETNA models to estimate series decomposition. |
RupturesChangePointsModel is ruptures change point models adapter. |
StatisticsPerIntervalModel gets statistics from series and use them for prediction. |
MeanPerIntervalModel. |
MedianPerIntervalModel. |
SklearnPreprocessingPerIntervalModel applies PerIntervalModel interface for sklearn preprocessings. |
SklearnRegressionPerIntervalModel applies PerIntervalModel interface for sklearn-like regression models. |
Categorical encoding transforms:
Encode segment label to categorical. |
Makes encoding of categorical feature. |
Makes expanding mean target encoding of the segment. |
Encode categorical feature with value between 0 and n_classes-1. |
Encode categorical feature as a one-hot numeric features. |
Embedding transforms and their utilities:
Create the constant embedding features using embedding model. |
Create the embedding features for each timestamp using embedding model. |
TS2Vec embedding model. |
TSTCC embedding model. |
Feature selection transforms:
Filters features in each segment of the dataframe. |
Transform that selects features according to tree-based models feature importance. |
Transform that provides feature filtering by Gale-Shapley matching algorithm according to the relevance table. |
Transform that selects features according to MRMR variable selection method adapted to the timeseries case. |
Transforms to work with missing values:
Transform to fill NaNs in series of a given dataframe. |
ResampleWithDistributionTransform resamples the given column using the distribution of the other column. |
Transforms to detect outliers:
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses |
Transform that uses |
Transforms to work with time-related features:
DateFlagsTransform is a class that implements extraction of the main date-based features from datetime column. |
TimeFlagsTransform is a class that implements extraction of the main time-based features from datetime column. |
SpecialDaysTransform generates series that indicates is weekday/monthday is special in given dataframe. |
HolidayTransform generates series that indicates holidays in given dataset. |
Adds fourier features to the dataset. |
EventTransform marks days before and after event depending on |
Shift transforms:
Generates series of lags from given dataframe. |
Shifts exogenous variables from a given dataframe. |
Window-based transforms:
MeanTransform computes average value for given window. |
SumTransform computes sum of values over given window. |
MedianTransform computes median value for given window. |
MaxTransform computes max value for given window. |
MinTransform computes min value for given window. |
QuantileTransform computes quantile value for given window. |
StdTransform computes std value for given window. |
MADTransform computes Mean Absolute Deviation over the window. |
MinMaxDifferenceTransform computes difference between max and min values for given window. |
Scaling transforms:
Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. |
Scale features using statistics that are robust to outliers. |
Transform features by scaling each feature to a given range. |
Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value. |
Functional transforms and their utilities:
AddConstTransform add constant for given series. |
Perform binary operation on the columns of dataset. |
Enum for mathematical operators from pandas. |
LogTransform applies logarithm transformation for given series. |
YeoJohnsonTransform applies Yeo-Johns transformation to a DataFrame. |
BoxCoxTransform applies Box-Cox transformation to DataFrame. |
Calculate a time series differences. |
LimitTransform limits values of some feature between the borders ( |