
API details#

See the API documentation for further details on available analysis tools:

Decomposition analysis utilities:

find_change_points(ts, in_column, ...)

Find trend change points using ruptures models.

plot_change_points_interactive(ts, ...[, ...])

Plot a time series with indicated change points.

plot_time_series_with_change_points(ts, ...)

Plot segments with their trend change points.

plot_trend(ts, trend_transform[, segments, ...])

Plot series and trend from trend transform for this series.

seasonal_plot(ts[, freq, cycle, alignment, ...])

Plot each season on one canvas for each segment.

stl_plot(ts, period[, segments, ...])

Plot STL decomposition for segments.


Enum for types of aggregation in a seasonal plot.


Enum for types of alignment in a seasonal plot.


Enum for types of cycles in a seasonal plot.

EDA utilities:

acf_plot(ts[, n_segments, lags, partial, ...])

Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plot for multiple timeseries.

cross_corr_plot(ts[, n_segments, maxlags, ...])

Cross-correlation plot between multiple timeseries.

distribution_plot(ts[, n_segments, ...])

Distribution of z-values grouped by segments and time frequency.

get_correlation_matrix(ts[, columns, ...])

Compute pairwise correlation of timeseries for selected segments.

plot_clusters(ts, segment2cluster[, ...])

Plot clusters [with centroids].

plot_correlation_matrix(ts[, columns, ...])

Plot pairwise correlation heatmap for selected segments.

plot_holidays(ts, holidays[, segments, ...])

Plot holidays for segments.

plot_imputation(ts, imputer[, segments, ...])

Plot the result of imputation by a given imputer.

plot_periodogram(ts, period[, ...])

Plot the periodogram using scipy.signal.periodogram().

Feature selection analysis utilities:

plot_feature_relevance(ts, relevance_table)

Plot relevance of the features.


ModelRelevanceTable builds feature relevance table using feature relevance values obtained from model.


Abstract class for relevance table computation.


StatisticsRelevanceTable builds feature relevance table with tsfresh statistics.

get_model_relevance_table(df, df_exog, model)

Calculate relevance table with feature importance from model.

get_statistics_relevance_table(df, df_exog)

Calculate relevance table with p-values from tsfresh.


Enum for different aggregation modes.

Forecast analysis utilities:

get_residuals(forecast_df, ts)

Get residuals for further analysis.

metric_per_segment_distribution_plot(...[, ...])

Plot per-segment metrics distribution.

plot_backtest(forecast_df, ts[, segments, ...])

Plot targets and forecast for backtest pipeline.

plot_backtest_interactive(forecast_df, ts[, ...])

Plot targets and forecast for backtest pipeline using plotly.

plot_forecast(forecast_ts[, test_ts, ...])

Plot of prediction for forecast pipeline.

plot_forecast_decomposition(forecast_ts[, ...])

Plot of prediction and its components.

plot_metric_per_segment(metrics_df, metric_name)

Plot barplot with per-segment metrics.

plot_residuals(forecast_df, ts[, feature, ...])

Plot residuals for predictions from backtest against some feature.

prediction_actual_scatter_plot(forecast_df, ts)

Plot scatter plot with forecasted/actual values for segments.

qq_plot(residuals_ts[, qq_plot_params, ...])

Plot Q-Q plots for segments.


Enum for types of plot in metric_per_segment_distribution_plot().


Enum for types of aggregation in a metric per-segment plot.

Outliers analysis utilities:

plot_anomalies(ts, anomaly_dict[, ...])

Plot a time series with indicated anomalies.

plot_anomalies_interactive(ts, segment, ...)

Plot a time series with indicated anomalies.

get_anomalies_density(ts[, in_column, ...])

Compute outliers according to density rule.

get_anomalies_hist(ts[, in_column, ...])

Get point outliers in time series using histogram model.

get_anomalies_median(ts[, in_column, ...])

Get point outliers in time series using median model (estimation model-based method).

get_anomalies_prediction_interval(ts, model)

Get point outliers in time series using prediction intervals (estimation model-based method).

get_anomalies_iqr(ts[, in_column, ...])

Get point outliers in time series using IQR statistics, estimated on a rolling window.

get_anomalies_isolation_forest(ts[, ...])

Get point outliers in time series using Isolation Forest algorithm.

get_anomalies_mad(ts[, in_column, ...])

Get point outliers in time series using median absolute deviation.